About This Site

About this website

I created the website I wished I had found when researching some more off the beaten track destinations.

I travel most of time alone and independently, hence the information I collect about places are influenced by this philosophy.

That’s why you won’t find on this website :

  • Recommendations for guided tours
  • Reviews of fancy hotels (I almost never spend more than $10 per night) or restaurants

I get quickly bored by beaches, so if you are into secluded empty beaches or remote pristine islands, this website is very far from being comprehensive.

I also try to avoid businesses (whether accommodations or tours) managed by foreigners when possible. I simply don’t want to put any filter between myself and the Indonesian society.

Learning at least the basics of Bahasa Indonesia would help you immensely to visit some more remote areas.

About me

I was born in 1991. In 2012, I had the opportunity to spend 6 month in Jakarta thanks to a student exchange program. The choice of the destination was not exactly deliberate, I honestly picked Indonesia because I knew some of the other students going there.

This experience definitely helped me to seize a professional opportunity in 2015 while I was looking for a job after graduating. I stayed 2 years in Jakarta working for an electrical engineering company.

When my contract expired, I guess I was hooked on for good with Indonesia. I spent another year traveling the country.

I have still so much to see. This country is amazing.